Message From The President/CEO Of MOTCC

MOTCC welcomes our clients to experience one of the best services in the history of technology. This company is named after my beloved and darling mom Martha Okoh. Because everyone involved with MOTCC is versatile in technology, business, academic and health care sectors, we promise to provide our clients with the state of the art technology. Our staff, business partners and I will do our best to deliver the best and optimum technology to resolve issues that you are facing with your current technology systems. We also guarantee our clients to provide training in technology and step-by-step instructions that including 24/7 technical support. We are open minded and welcome questions and we want to ensure that we provide you the best answers to all your technology inquiries.

As we also announce the Opening of our MOTCC College, we promise to provide the best technology training as we educate students the value of being a technology savvy from a technical to user aspect in the world of technology in science and business. We promise our students that the completion of their technology education at MOTCC will make them best prepared and ready to go to the world and deliver their expertise in health care, academics, and businesses looking for such an expertise. We also must make sure that our students are properly prepared to take certification exams in technology.

The college is open to students of all ages from children to adults. Remember, there is no age limit in pursuing education and career in technology.

The cost of our services are affordable because we believe that serving our clients with a focus on quality services will be beneficial to all involved parties.

Who are the people we serve?

Small and medium size business that need state of the art technology in order to service their communities at the same time pursuing improvement in quality and growth of technology. Technology is everything in our new brave world full of innovative ideas, success and continuous growth.

I have learned that technology has come a long way because I have seen the evolution of technology from a state of primitiveness to the present state of ultra modern technology. I believe that the technology is continually evolving and there are easy and quick solutions to resolve technological problems in any environment.

My Administrative and Management Philosophy

I believe in a participatory or connective leadership style. I do not believe in micro-management. Instead, my management style is to encourage and reward positive results. I like to hire good people, provide them with all the resources that I can find, and let them do their job. I like team work and developing a shared vision by soliciting input and working for “buy in” by all the parties involved in the decision process. I also realize that at some point one has to make difficult decisions and I am comfortable making them.

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